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about us

current leadership

huang xiaotian
【日期:2019-10-11】     【】 【】

namehuang xiaotian
position member of the cpc committee at the college and vice dean
academic qualificationm.d., professor of medical microbiology, doctoral supervisor
research fieldsto study the molecular epidemiology, pathogenic mechanism and drug resistance mechanism of influenza virus, enterovirus and candida by means of multi-disciplinary techniques such as molecular biology, cell biology, pathology, microbiology, immunology and model animal

huang xiaotianmalea cpc member, was born in 1972 in xingzi, jiangxi province. he is a m.d., professor of medical microbiology, doctoral supervisor. he is vice dean of the college, director of medical experimental teaching center, and is in charge of undergraduate teaching.

he serves as the evaluation expert of the degree and postgraduate education of the ministry of education, the evaluation expert of the teaching reform project of the department of higher education of the ministry of education, and the ninth national member of the medical virology branch of the chinese medical association. he has won the second prize of the first national micro-class teaching competition of the ministry of education, baogang education award, excellent postgraduate instructor of jiangxi province, young scientist training object of jiangxi province, first prize of the fifth excellent textbooks of jiangxi higher education, and other honors.

his research area is mainly focus on to study the molecular epidemiology, pathogenic mechanism and drug resistance mechanism of influenza virus, enterovirus and candida by means of multi-disciplinary techniques such as molecular biology, cell biology, pathology, microbiology, immunology and model animal. he has presided 3 projects supported by national natural science fund, published many sci-indexed papers in journals like scientific reportsplos one.

education experience:

sep., 1990- july, 1994  b.s., microbiology, nanchang university

sep., 1998- july, 2001  m.med., pathogenic biology, jiangxi medical university

sep., 2002- july, 2005  m.d., pathogenic biology, shanghai second medical university(currently named shanghai jiaotong university school of medicine)
